Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Harry Potter the Movie: in two parts

November 2010 we will be buying movie tickets for the first installment of the final chapter of the Harry Potter series. The question on our minds is where will the split take place?

One idea from Niko, is when the main characters run away from Hogwarts (Harry, Ron, and Hermione for those who are not familiar with the stories). We believe that will create a great cliffhanger for the next movies to start with. Having the spilt at this point will also allow for the next movie to still feel as full as the first.

Another idea is when Harry, Ron and Hermione are trying to find one of the horcruxes from Ravenclaw or Gryffindor (Horcruxes - an item in which Voldemort hides pieces of his soul so that he cannot be destroyed). Michelle thinks that this will create a good climax and great suspense.

While we are always excited to see the Harry Potter movies, we are also nervous because there is a lot at stake because our imaginations have taken us so far in this magic J.K. Rowling world.

Ranking of our favorite Harry Potter Movies by Niko, Michelle and Becky

1. Goblet of Fire

2. Chamber of Secrets

3. Sorcerer's Stone

4. Prisoner of Azkaban

5. Order of the Phoenix

6. Half Blood Prince

If you haven't read the books and seen the movies yet- you should run out to you local library and borrow these titles. The Harry Potter series is full of adventure, excitement, and magic; something we can all use a dose of from time to time. Happy Reading!